Sponsor a Powerful Message

Your Brand + Great Causes

Support a Great Cause
Build Brand Awareness
Gain Consumer Confidence
Smart Brands Help People

Establish a Positive and Socially Responsible Image

Sponsoring a cause-based marketing campaign through Ads of Change, a program of CNDC (CNDC.org), is a strategic move for both brands and individuals seeking to make a positive impact. For brands, it offers a unique opportunity to align with meaningful causes, demonstrating a genuine commitment to societal well-being—an attribute increasingly valued by consumers. For individuals, it provides a powerful way to contribute to causes they care about, amplifying their impact through targeted advertising.

Additionally, because Ads of Change operates under the CNDC, donations and sponsorships may be tax-deductible, making it an even more attractive option for both companies and individuals. By connecting with a cause, brands can forge a deeper emotional bond with their audience, fostering loyalty and enhancing their brand image. Individuals, too, can take pride in knowing that their support is making a tangible difference. This approach not only elevates brand perception but also differentiates it from competitors, expands its reach, and generates positive media coverage, while empowering individuals to contribute meaningfully to social change.

CNDC has established a reputation as a trusted entity in the nonprofit community. We hold ourselves to the highest standards of ethics, accountability, and community stewardship.”

Some Top Campaigns

Fight Climate Change

Supporting ad campaigns focused on fighting climate change is critical because they raise public awareness about the urgent need to address this global crisis. Climate change affects every aspect of life on Earth, from rising sea levels and extreme weather events to...

Why Cause Based Marketing?

Cause-based marketing offers both brands and individuals the opportunity to engage with a broader and more passionate audience. Many cause-driven campaigns attract a dedicated community that is deeply committed to the issues at hand. By sponsoring these initiatives, brands and individuals can connect with this engaged community, leveraging their enthusiasm and advocacy for the cause. This not only expands the brand’s reach but also positions it as one that cares about issues important to its target audience. For individuals, supporting these campaigns allows them to actively contribute to causes they believe in, amplifying their impact.

In a crowded market, cause-based marketing can differentiate a brand from its competitors. With products and services often offering similar features, a commitment to a cause can set a brand apart. Consumers are increasingly making choices based on values, and supporting a cause shows that a brand is invested in making a positive impact. This alignment with consumer values can lead to increased brand preference and market share. For individuals, backing these campaigns reinforces their personal values and connects them with like-minded communities.

Sponsoring a cause-based marketing campaign also presents opportunities for positive PR and media coverage. Media outlets are often drawn to stories about companies and individuals contributing to social causes. A well-executed campaign not only benefits the cause but also generates positive coverage, enhancing the brand’s visibility, credibility, and reputation. For individuals, it provides a platform to share their commitment to social change, further amplifying the cause’s message and contributing to long-term success and growth.

Workforce Development

Attracting a Workforce

Attracting a workforce takes time, effort, and marketing (that’s where we come in).  We work with nonprofits in the workforce development sectors to help market their towns, cities, and states.

Building Economies + Helping People

Helping people find great jobs in great locations helps local economies and people’s livelihood.  That’s what we can a win-win and that’s what we do everyday.  Let us be the marketing experts and help build economies by marketing to great employees and productive citizens. 

Brands can get involved

Support a Campaign

Enhanced Brand Image

Associating with a company running cause-based marketing campaigns allows a brand to align itself with positive social causes, contributing to an enhanced brand image and reputation.

Increased Consumer Trust

Consumers are more likely to trust and support brands that actively participate in cause-based initiatives, fostering a sense of trust and loyalty among the customer base.

Positive Sales Impact

Consumers are increasingly making purchasing decisions based on a brand’s values. Brands engaged in cause-based marketing can experience increased sales as consumers choose products that align with their own social and ethical beliefs.

Become a Sponsor

Sponsoring a campaign to end child hunger was a no-brainer.  We were able to help a great cause while building consumer trust for our brand.  We’ll run many more campaigns with Ads of Change!

Prophecy Onasis, CEO – Radiant Technologies

support a campaign today

Top Campaigns

Help Kids with Disabilities

Help Kids with Disabilities

Supporting ad campaigns that advocate for kids with disabilities is crucial because every child deserves equal opportunities, regardless of their physical or intellectual challenges. These campaigns raise awareness about the specific needs of children with...

Help Save Pets

Help Save Pets

Supporting ad campaigns that advocate for saving pets is crucial because pets are not just animals; they are beloved members of our families who provide companionship, love, and emotional support. Unfortunately, millions of pets end up in shelters every year, and many...

Save Wild Horses

Save Wild Horses

Supporting ad campaigns that advocate for saving wild horses is essential because these magnificent animals are not only a symbol of freedom and the American West but also a vital part of the natural ecosystem. Wild horses have roamed free for centuries, and their...

Support the Arts

Support the Arts

Supporting ad campaigns that advocate for the arts is essential because the arts play a vital role in enriching our lives and fostering creativity. The arts—whether visual, performing, literary, or digital—help us express emotions, tell stories, and reflect on the...

Access to Education

Access to Education

Supporting ad campaigns that advocate for access to education is crucial because education is a fundamental human right and a key driver of social and economic progress. Education empowers individuals, opens up opportunities for better employment, and contributes to...

More Affordable Housing

More Affordable Housing

Supporting ad campaigns for more affordable housing is vital because housing affordability is a critical issue affecting millions of people. With rising rents and home prices, many individuals and families struggle to afford basic housing, which is a fundamental need...

Access to Clean Water

Access to Clean Water

Supporting ad campaigns focused on access to clean water is crucial because water is a fundamental human right that millions of people still lack. Many communities around the world, especially in developing regions, struggle with inadequate access to clean, safe...

End Racial Injustice

End Racial Injustice

Supporting ad campaigns focused on ending racial injustice is essential because these campaigns help raise awareness about systemic inequalities that persist in society. Racial injustice continues to impact people of color in many ways, from discrimination in the...

End Child Hunger

End Child Hunger

Supporting ad campaigns focused on ending child hunger is critical because they bring attention to one of the most heartbreaking and preventable global crises. Millions of children around the world suffer from chronic hunger and malnutrition, which severely impacts...

Fight Substance Abuse

Fight Substance Abuse

Supporting ad campaigns aimed at fighting substance abuse is essential because they raise awareness about a serious issue that affects individuals, families, and communities. Many people struggle with substance abuse without realizing that help is available, while...

Support Mental Health

Support Mental Health

Supporting ad campaigns focused on mental health is crucial because they help break the stigma that surrounds mental illness. Despite growing awareness, many people still feel ashamed or reluctant to seek help for mental health issues due to societal perceptions....

Fight Climate Change

Fight Climate Change

Supporting ad campaigns focused on fighting climate change is critical because they raise public awareness about the urgent need to address this global crisis. Climate change affects every aspect of life on Earth, from rising sea levels and extreme weather events to...

Help Veterans

Help Veterans

Supporting ad campaigns that focus on helping veterans is vital because veterans often face unique challenges when they return to civilian life. Many struggle with physical injuries, mental health issues like PTSD, and difficulty finding employment. These campaigns...

End Poverty

End Poverty

Supporting ad campaigns aimed at ending poverty is essential because these campaigns bring attention to one of the most pervasive global challenges. Poverty affects millions of people, limiting access to basic necessities such as food, clean water, healthcare, and...

Stop Human Trafficking

Stop Human Trafficking

Supporting ad campaigns focused on stopping human trafficking is crucial because these campaigns play a vital role in raising awareness. Human trafficking often operates in the shadows, and many people are unaware of its prevalence in their communities. Through...

support a Specific Nonprofit

Choose a Campaign

You Choose the Non-Profit – We Run the Ads

Supporting ad campaigns for a specific non-profit organization can be a powerful way to amplify its mission and drive meaningful change. When you purchase ads on Ads of Change, a non-profit can reach a wider audience, effectively raising awareness about critical issues and mobilizing support.

For instance, a campaign for a charity focused on environmental conservation can educate the public about pressing ecological challenges and inspire action, such as volunteering or donating. Well-crafted ads can help translate complex problems into relatable messages, thereby fostering a stronger connection between the organization and potential supporters. This increased visibility not only attracts new donors but also encourages existing supporters to deepen their engagement.

The Time is now

We Have Your Back!

Sponsor a campaign today and help make the world a better place while driving meaningful value for your brand.